Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb. 18th, 2013 minutes

* Opening and agenda-Samuel reviewed the agenda and remarked about a few neighborhood items.
Crime and Safety Meeting Report-Elsie presented information that the DNS spoke about at the meeting re: trash collection, bins, etc...
MPD D5 Website Presentation-Officer Osiewalki presented to the group the way to find statistical information about the neighborhood on the internet. She also reviewed the types of information that can be found through the MPD D5 department site and how to find the site through the portal as well as the mpd d5 site. Group was shown how to find out if a squad was disbursed to the area, why, where, and how to submit an anonymous tip via the web.
County Supervisor Board Guide-Supervisor Johnson presented the various duties of the board and answered constituent questions re: the board and updates.
Voter Registration-Cecelia Collins, neighborhood deputy register informed the group about registration at the polls and also that she could register at anytime but for upcoming elections that were within 60 days she discussed with group what to do. She is open to register new neighbors at anytime and will bring cards with her to the meetings.
Renaissance Place-Malcolm Martin wanted feedback from the group about a proposed social event venue. He presented the venue for social events such as wedding rehearsals, anniversaries, etc for a targeted group of 40 and over. He later added that he had to label the place as a tavern and then would have to add on the licensing permit 30 year olds. Although the group expressed some pride that a young African American male was establishing a business there were concerns about the liquor part of the business, parking, noise, and dismissal times, we asked him to represent the information to a larger group next month so that he could receive the accurate feedback from the group and neighborhood as a whole. Former Mayor Marvin Pratt also spoke in support of Malcolm and his venue.
State of the Neighborhhood and Garden-Rick Muhammad, James Stokes, and Churchill Caruthers The group is interested in using one of the vacant lots for a garden. There were interest and there are at least 10 people willing to pursue this as a neighborhood opportunity. Rick and Churchill will pursue and follow up with the Alderwoman and others to secure the necessary information and present to the group so that we can move ahead. The group is also interested in establishing the area from Keefe to Olive, Port Washington to MArtin Luther King Drive as a TIN. Portions of the area to the East of Port Washington are already in the Riverwest TIN. The group is currently gathering data to secure the TIN. We will discuss at the next meeting. The group is also working to secure more information about the area as there are 35 vacant or abandoned homes and lots in the area, a change in ownership dynamics, a recent tavern Mikey D'z as well as two apartment buildings having difficulties. The group would like to secure information on how to manage or purchase these areas as a group and what funds are in place for groups as such.
Closing- Samuel Sims Recap emphasizing voting, attendance, and addressing neighborhood improvement and teamwork.
Please read for updates on projects
Next month’s meeting Monday, March 18th at 6:00pm
Leadership Seminar on Community Partnerships  held at Grace Fellowship Saturday, March 16th, 10am-12 noon
Block Party Planning Committee contact Rick
Big Step Job Training: consult blog
Thanks to the distribution team: Betty, Elsie, Reggie, Churchill, Samuel, Rick, Andrea, Gracelyn, OfficerOsiewalski

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