Wednesday, February 24, 2021

learing the basics of setting up a website with Weebly at 8AM thursday 25, 2021

 Learn the basic of setting up a website from Jennifer Garcia.

The class will start at 8am on Thursday, February 25, 2021.

Send an email to for the zoom link.

Sustainable Weight Loss with Dr. Zelda Okia Part I, Sat Feb 27, 2021 at 10am

 Please register via  After that you will receive the zoom link for the event.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Our own tax consultant: From Churchill Caruthers Jr

 Good morning from our team HR block representative and member of 5points: your support of our member is greatly appreciated. He will explain the value of having HR block behind you: Churchill Caruthers Jr office 414-967-1618.

Some reminders: if you experience economic hardship during the pandemic you may be able to use 2019 or 2020 tax income which ever benefits you
2. if you have not received your stimulus checks : there is a box "economic impact" or "recovery rebate" that will help you.
3. The tax credit for children may also apply to certain people.
There is a drop off with preparation and pick up service or call to schedule an appointment. Have all paperwork ready. Please note that the costs for tax preparation services are set by the company: there is benefit in having someone you already know and trust.