Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Employment information with Job Works

 Please attend to find out employment information and the process with Marina Murphy and Clinton Ray. You must email to get the zoom information. Share with those who are searching or need additional income. Sign in at 10:50am as we will start at 11am promptly and lock the meeting shortly thereafter to limit interruptions and ensure complete share of information.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Micah Leadership for Community Transformation

 5PNA members who sign up to attend all weeks, please inform us upon signing up.

Join MICAH and WISDOM in our 5 week organizing training starting on Thursday August 6. RSVP at https://forms.gle/ymGJy81djJL12Vps6 for more info contact
lisa@micahmke.org. To ensure everyone can have training who
wants to attend, we are opening it to the community free of charge. If you are able to cover the $60 cost of your training or additional monies for scholarships you can donate at https://micahmke.org/donate-online/ . We do ask people to sign up
ONLY if they anticipate that they can participate in at least four of the five sessions.

MCSAP Mental Health And Wellness Training


African American Round Table training on budget


The African American Roundtable is providing the upcoming training to help residents prepare to speak at the Mayor’s Public Budget Meeting. The training however prepares a person to speak at ANY public hearing.  If you have never presented or want to improve on your skills, this workshop is for you!


Please share throughout your network!



August 11th 6:00pm Public Testimony Workshop


Join us as we provide tips and tools on how to craft written testimonies to take ourdemands to the mayor and Common Council upcoming budget hearings. Register here:bit.ly/PublicTestimony





Devin Anderson

Lead Organizer, African-American Roundtable





Devin Anderson

Lead Organizer, African-American Roundtable
