Thursday, November 7, 2013

Session Invite from Leif re: Clinton Rose Center

Good Afternoon,

On behalf of the Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative, I would like to invite you to attend the upcoming Clinton & Bernice Rose Park Resident Input Sessions.  At this event, the Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative will be asking Harambee area residents and stakeholders to voice their visions for the revitalization of Clinton & Bernice Rose park, located on the southwest corner of Burleigh and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Drive.  Complimentary food and beverages will be provided.

Staff and other stakeholders will be on hand to discuss the historic and present day significance of the park, answer questions pertaining to the park’s redevelopment, respond to concerns residents may have, and provide a venue for neighbors to take a lead role in the planning process.

Acting as the organizing entity for a coalition of Harambee area stakeholders, the HGNI has always placed an emphasis on supporting area residents in realizing their vision for the community.  In addition, the sustained interest in the park and the concern for its future has prompted the HGNI to take a lead role on helping this park again become a primary place of pride and involvement for area residents of all ages. 

·        The session scheduled for the evening of WednesdayNovember 13th will focus on residentbusiness and stakeholder participation. Representatives from Milwaukee County, Milwaukee County Parks Department, Milwaukee’s Local Initiative Support Corporation, as well as other community leaders, officials, and residents will be taking part in this great event, showing their support of Clinton & Bernice Rose Park and its future.

Again, your attendance and participation in these input sessions will be vital to the long-term success of the park, and is much appreciated.  We look forward to your continued partnership and support of the Harambee community.

Please see the attached flyer for event time and location.

Best Regards, 

Leif Otteson
HGNI Community Organizer
Harambee Great Neighborhood Initiative
2772 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53212

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