Sunday, November 3, 2013

MPD D5- Cell Phone Tracking from Officers Kupsik, Osiewalski, and Lt. Wurth

Cell phone tracking 101

In an effort to cut through the information fog we call the Internet I’ve done some research on how to track your lost or stolen cell phone.  The technological advances in the area of cell phones in the last ten years has been staggering.  On a daily basis we walk around with our lives in our pockets and purses.  It is now possible to work, bank, pay bills, play games, entertain, watch movies/TV, organize and be social all from the palm of your hand.

Our favorite electronics manufacturers have taken full advantage of this and push out new phones, tablets, and devices faster than we can keep up.  These advances make our devices valuable on the black market and desirable to criminals. From burglaries, and thefts to armed robberies our devices have become a prime target. 

So everyone knows where I am getting my information I am going to share some links at the end of this writing.  I have tried to stick to well known and trusted information sources.  As always do your homework there are numerous applications out there that can help you recover your lost device.  Many of them have different features and different costs.

It’s worth noting that many of these programs will also work on your tablets.  While doing my research on the android device manager (listed below) I discovered that I could track my Nook reader when it is connected to Wi-Fi.

With a little bit of planning and set up you can help us recover your device and put it where it belongs back in the palm of your hand.

Points to remember:
  • You will have to set up user names and passwords.  Without these we can’t help you get your device back.  So keep them written down in a safe place. (Not stored on the missing device)
  • You cannot install these apps after your device has been stolen so take some time to do it now.
  • Test out the application so you know how it works
  • Keep your cell phone box, paperwork and receipts.  They often contain important numbers that we can use in the police report and tracking process.
  • Know how to access your cell phone account online.  Many providers can give real time information on how your phone is being used.  We can use phone logs to locate suspects.  This will also require user names and passwords so keep them safely stored.

Android Phones

This is a solution for android phones with an active Google Account.  No app required but you must have an active google account that you have accessed from this phone.

Lookout (android)

Cerberus (android)


Find my Iphone


Windows Phones

Find My Phone:
To use this finder you have to have a Microsoft account that you use on this phone.


PO Thomas Kupsik
Community Liaison Officer

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