Thursday, July 19, 2012

Port Washington Road Update 7/19/12

Currently the majority of the roadway pavement has been placed in the southbound lanes, including the shoulder and curb and gutter, between Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Capitol Drive.  The contractor will be sawing the curing concrete again tonight in order to cut in the pavement joints.  They will begin setting up forms at the intersections, prior to placing concrete at those locations.  The preparation work is expected to take 2 to 3 days before they place the concrete. We are also expecting to install the electrical conduit behind the new curb and gutter starting next week.

The contractor will begin setting up string lines and begin grading in preparation for curb and gutter placement north of Capitol Drive.  We are hoping to place the curb and gutter concrete in this area mid to late next week.

I expect that the temporary access at Abert Pl. to be unavailable until the they finish preparing the base and placing concrete at the intersection.  I anticipate the temporary access may not be available again until after next weekend.  However, I will keep you posted if this condition changes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue reconstruction of Port Washington Rd.

Casey Wierzchowski, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
expUS Services Inc.

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