Friday, March 7, 2025

Updates and gratitde

Greetings everyone, Thank you for all the inquiries and contributions to the Art on A Jar project. As a reminder, tomorrow is the collection of washed jars with tops and labels off. The decorating will take place during spring break for two day for three hours each one of those days. We have had a first count today and are looking forward to your deliveries tomorrow from 11am-1pm at 3879 n. Port Washington Ave at Grace Fellowship and 9900 W, Capitol Drive at Vision for the World Ministries. Please sign in your name and the number of jars. Ensure that each box or bag has the number of jars recorded. We will issue a report immediately. (if you arrive early tomorrow, please ensure that each bag is labeled with the number of jars and leave your name on a card. The jars may be left on the side of the doors away from traffic and entrances. Our most sincere gratitude is extended to our Whitefish Bay Partners for 202 jars collected. This brings the total to 2402 thus far. We are looking forward to meeting the 3K goal tomorrow and will report the count thus far. We look forward to the art work and distribution in April and the following Months. Your 5pna team, Samuel Sims, President Churchill Caruthers Jr., VP Dr. Vanessa White, Organizational Director

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