Thursday, October 18, 2018

Artober-pumpkin carving event

Please join our already scheduled Artober Pumpkin Carving Event.  We have recently found out that the Historic Martin Luther King Drive Bid #8 is having a pumpkin Giveaway. (Thank you Alderwoman Coggs and Historic King Drive BID 8). As 5PNA will have a limited supply, this is great news for the activity.  Please read the notice and respond to with your intent to attend as we can make appropriate preparations.  Pick up your pumpkin at 2615 N. King Drive (Victory over Violence Park) arrive early so that you can then attend the 5pna scheduled event.

Artoberfest- pumpkin carving

  • Saturday, October 20th from 11am-1pm.
  • pin
    3754 n. port washington ave

  • Details
This is designed to work on art skills, community engagement and enrichment and just enjoyment. We are asking that families bring a pumpkin or pick up one from the Pumpkin Giveaway at 2615 N. Martin Luther King Drive that the Historic King Drive BID No 8 is giving away and come and enjoy the fun. Please respond with your intent to attend as we would like to have ample space and some additional games while there may be some waiting for assistance. 5PNA will have a limited number of pumpkins on hand for this event but encourage families to pick up from BID so that they are able to join in on the fun. Adults are asked to remain with their child and sign in so we can keep an accurate count for future events. University Honor Scholars Program at MSOE's is planning to have a tent set up and UWM service learners and 5pna residents are willing to help.

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