Tuesday, May 22, 2018

community meeting-planning for success

5PNA.pngCommunity Meeting
Saturday, May 26, 2018 10am-11:30am
Where: Grace Fellowship, 3879 N Port Washington Av
1.       Pick up your doorbells you ordered at the end of the meeting.
2.       List or bring items that you can give others for home improvements: for example, a white gallon of paint,wood, etc, as CHWC is providing labor only.
3.       Plan June Activities
4.       Review Garden and Orchard Days and Times and volunteers..
5.       Plan July Activities—volunteer to lead activities
6.       Enter some call for action during the meeting
7.       Remember the neighborhood rules and guidelines
8.       Pick representatives to crime and safety meetings
*Lights on dark until dawn
*Noise free zone after 8pm
*Report suspicious activity
*Keep your area Clean.
*Bring concerns and plans to the meeting.
*Bring at least two neighbors and two youth 5-20 with you to the meeting for planning purposes.
Email: 5pnamil@gmail.com, FB: 5points neighborhood association-5pna, phone 414-364-8677

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