Saturday, October 15, 2016

Session Monday, October 17, 2016

General Neighborhood Meeting
When:  Monday, October 17th, 2016
Time:  6m-7:30pm arrive at 5:50pm
Where: Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Av
*Vote whether you want Mr. Dhillon to establish a business on 2nd and Keefe. He will present his plan about the business.  Your attendance and vote is important.
*Do you have any type of illegal activity?-MPD (trick or treat safety and private concerns in knook).
*Get out the vote campaign-Jabril Faraj.
*Do you have a power of attorney for health, property, and finances? What would happen to you? –Part 2 Atty Hartman
*Neighborhood improvement opportunities, concerns, opportunities, activities, and leadership training date:  Dr. Calhoun, Samuel Sims, James Smith, and Churchill Caruthers Jr., Carolyn Hughes-Hooker.
Reminders:  Clean up your yard and area.  Report suspicious activity. Bring your list of vacant and abandoned homes and property. FB: 5points Neighborhood Association-5pna


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