Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fatherhood Education Class Resource Even

Subject: Re: Fatherhood Education Class/ Resource Event 7-1-15

Good Afternoon Partners,

Just a friendly reminder, please inform your clients that the Milwaukee County Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Program and Community Advocates will be hosting another weekend series of the 24/7 DAD Class with the first session being held on July 18th, and the second session on July 25th.

This event will again include Milwaukee County Father's having access to Child Support Services Representatives who will be able to access your clients' child support status and remove interest arrears owed to the State of Wisconsin on the spot! However, to qualify for this reduction in child support arrears removal, participants must complete the parenting class. Furthermore, if your clients driver's license is suspended due to owed child support payments, the suspension will be lifted at the time of meeting with our child support representatives.  Additionally, as part of the services that will be offered upon enrollment into the Pathways Program, there will be a representative from the Center for Driver's License Recovery (CDLR) Program that will assist your client(s) with the recovery of their driver's license.  Lastly, we will also have employment resources and opportunities available at the time of the summit with many useful services that pertains to securing employment. Attendance by your client(s) will make a huge difference in their lives and improve the quality of our community as a whole. Lastly there will be many more resources available at the time of this event that I will share with you in the near future.

For additional information regarding the summit, please refer to the flyer attached to this email.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate contacting me.

Have a great rest of your week!

Thank you,

Tarvus L. Hawthorne

Community Resource Coordinator

Milwaukee Women's Center-

A Division of Community Advocates

728 N. Jamel Lovell Street

Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 270-2951 (Direct)
(414) 449-4774 (Fax)
Where Abuse Ends and Hope Begin

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