Saturday, September 8, 2012

Port Washington Ave. Construction update 9/8/12


This last week the contractor finished the majority of the storm sewer adjustments and the utility companies are finishing their operations within the project.  The upcoming week we should continue with setting string lines, placing additional gravel and begin trimming the base in preparation for concrete placement.  Depending on weather and progress on the grading operations we may begin installing curb and gutter between Capitol Dr. and the north project limits by the end of the week.  We will continue to try and provide access to the businesses and homes within the project limits as we trim and place gravel.  However, there may be some intermittent disruptions as the contractor works through the project.  Currently we are still on target for late September/early  to late October to reopen the roadway.

Thank You,

Casey Wierzchowski, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
expUS Services Inc.

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