Thursday, June 16, 2022

Father's day dedication

 Please note that we are hosting zooms for posting on the site for Father's day.  Respond to this email to schedule your dedication.  We will begin taping and going live today at 4pm and run them through the weekend up to and including sunday.  These taping includes dedications to fathers and father figures.  Please note our intent is to highlight men.  

Your reply with your day for taping and time is requested.  today we will run these from 4pm-6:45pm.   tomorrow we will start early as early as 7am and saturday and sunday the same.  

we look forward to your dedication.

here are the flyers to get some topics or ideas to get your 5-10 minute presentation going.

Your dedication in your English or Spanish is appreciated.  We will request that all language is child friendly and community friendly......clean language only (no cussing in any language).  

thanks for your reply.  we will also like to tape and combine all these presentations to include on our youtube station.  your reply and the attached waiver is needed for signature. It is pdf so we ask that you sign by printing and scanning back.  you may also write your permission inside the reply email according to the photo release. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Aviation exposure and Mentoring

 Register on  Call 414-265-5546 or email for more information.

Looking forward to all ages participating.